NH Tax Rates
2011 NH Tax Rates from Town to Town

Shore Line Protection
Vegetation Maintenance within the Protected Shoreland

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Eight steps to buying your home
There is never a wrong time to buy the right home.
Deciding how much house you can afford
Your lender decides what you can borrow but you decide what you can afford.
Creating your home wishlist
Analyze what you want and what you need in a home’s features and amenities
Location, Location, Location
Where you buy not only affects the home's current and future value, but it also affects your lifestyle.
Opting for new home construction
Some basic pointers to prepare you for the journey ahead.
How can a real estate agent help me?
Seven main roles of your real estate agent
Eight important questions to ask your agent
Finding a solid, professional agent means getting beyond the resume
Mortgage Calculator
Monthly Mortgage Payment Calculator 
Contact us about buying your home
It’s not easy finding that perfect house. Let me help.